The Choirs of St Catharine's College, Cambridge
Edward Wickham (director)
The Choirs of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, with their director Edward Wickham have collaborated once again for this album of Renaissance motets and hymns in praise of St Catharine – one of the most ubiquitous and beloved saints of the Middle Ages who also lends her name to the college (founded in 1473) where both groups are resident.
With composers as diverse as Palestrina, Jean Mouton and Richard Fawkyner (interspersed with Sarum chant for St Catharine) this programme of choral works spans a century in which the cult of St Catharine was at its height, representing the prayers and exhortations of pious communities towards a saint who might represent their interests in the court of heaven.
Album Booklet (PDF)
Jacob Regnart (1540/45–1599)
1. Ave Katherina martir
Ludwig Senfl (1489/91–1543)
2. [Ave Katherina martir]/Costi regis
Adrian Willaert (c.1490–1562)
3. O gemma clarissima
Sarum chant
4. Ave virginum gemma *
Jean Mouton (before 1459–1522)
5. Ave virginum gemma
Sarum chant
6. Virgo sancta Katherina
Nicolas Gombert (c.1495–c.1560)
7. Virgo sancta Katherina *
Sarum chant
8. Virgo flagellatur *
Pierre Vermont (c.1495–c.1532)
9. Virgo flagellatur
Anonymous (early-16th century)
(‘Annaberg’ Choirbook 1/D/506)
10. [Katherinae collaudemus]/Fulta fide Katherina
Sarum chant
11. Nobilis et pulchra *
Walter Frye (fl. 1460–1474)
12. Kyrie ‘Deus creator omnium’
from Missa Nobilis et pulchra
Sarum chant
13. Inclita sancte virginis Catherinae *
Jacquet of Mantua (1483–1559)
14. Inclita sancte virginis Catherinae
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6–1594)
15. Inclytae sanctae virginis Catherinae
Anonymous (early-16th century)
(Copenhagen, MS 1848)
16. Ave virgo Katharina
Sarum chant
17. Passionem gloriose *
Richard Fawkyner (fl. c.1480)
18. Gaude rose sine spina
© 2019 Resonus Limited
Ⓟ 2019 Resonus Limited
Catalogue No. RES10246
Producer, engineer & editor: Adam Binks
EAN: 5060262791561
Cover image: St Catharine of Alexandria (c.1598) by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610)
Release date: 30 August 2019