Byrd 1589: Songs of sundrie natures
Jacob Heringman (lute)
Lynda Sayce (lute)
David Skinner (director)
Byrd’s first song collection was published in 1588. In the following year he writes that he had ‘bene encouraged thereby, to take further paines therein, and to make the pertaker thereof, because I would shew my selfe gratefull to thee for thy loue, and desirous to delight thee with varietie, whereof (in my opinion) no Science is more plentifully adorned then Musicke.’
This 1589 collection, therefore, offers songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 parts, ‘to serue for all companies and voyces: whereof some are easie and plaine to sing, [while] other
more hard and dificult.’ Byrd clearly sought to be as inclusive as possible for all musicians, amateur and professional.
With the 1589 collection, Byrd’s complete early song collections are now committed to recording. Together they provide a variety themes and textures, as well as vocal and instrumental combinations, demonstrating the richness of Elizabethan courtly music.
About the Artists: Alamire; Jacob Heringman; Fretwork; David Skinner